
SNS event handling in Lambda function.

aws_ci_bot.sns_event.extract_sns_message_dict(event: dict) dict[source]

Extract the AWS CodeStar notification event from the received Lambda event. Lambda event includes the SNS message body, and the SNS message body includes the AWS CodeStar notification event.


event – the original lambda function input payload


the AWS CodeStar notification event data in dict

aws_ci_bot.sns_event.encode_partition_key(dt: datetime.datetime) str[source]

Figure out the s3 partition part based on the given datetime.

aws_ci_bot.sns_event.upload_ci_event(s3_client, event_dict: dict, event_obj: Union[aws_codecommit.notification.CodeCommitEvent, aws_codebuild.notification.CodeBuildEvent], bucket: str, prefix: str, verbose: bool = True) str[source]

Upload CI/CD lambda event to S3 as a backup.

  • s3_client

  • event_dict

  • event_obj

  • bucket

  • prefix

  • verbose


the S3 uri where the event is uploaded